Leadership team
Meet our leadership team of pastor, elders, and deacons.
Chris Hinckley
I was brought up with some exposure to the church but did not fully understand the gospel. God in His grace drew me to Christ my Lord in 1998 at the age of 35. About 6 months later my wife Carol was also converted. Carol and I have been married since 1987 and we have been blessed with four children: Sam, Laura, Grace and Coleman. Soon after my conversion, we found a doctrinally strong bible believing church with solid expository preaching. Through the encouragement of my pastor and church, I began theological studies with the goal of discerning the call to pastoral ministry. I’ve had the opportunity to work in various ministries such as children, youth, church planting, preaching, teaching, counseling. In January 2007, I was called to shepherd the flock of God at OFBC. I am a graduate of the State University of New York, Canton, N.Y. and Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL. Favorite ministry verse: Colossians 1:28-29 ESV- Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.
Steve DeCoste
Tom Helmick
Larry Moore
Timothy Funk
Bob Illig
Dan Lambert
Not Pictured:
Wes vanWingerden
Dan Truchon